Who is Rina?


My name is Rina, and I love books.

I’m a twenty-something-year-old woman who lives in Southern California and has way too much time on her hands. A few years ago, I started a blog, but I discovered that it was a lot of work and that my set-up severely limited my options.

So, here we are!

Instead of being confined to a specific genre or only new/upcoming books, this blog is about reading and reviewing whatever I want, though I do mostly read YA and romance novels. (Het and LGBT.  Is it romantic? I’ll read it!)

While the blog is focused on books and reading, occasional posts about movies, TV shows, and other nerd-related things will make an appearance. Because I like to make my own rules.

I also do freelance editing and beta-reading work.  If you would like me to edit or beta-read your book, please use the contact form on this website, or email me at ireadwhatiwant2@gmail.com!

I do what I want, and I read what I want 2.

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